I make a confession this day...I have been a pretty impatient human being, one fast to react, regrets or not, just act and think later. I have been hard on people around me, sometimes totally irrational I must confess (I take a lot of things after my mother...it worked for her but don't seem to work for me, at least not always). I do realize my shortcomings, I have for a long time, just felt it was okay for everybody to live with it...so selfish of me.
I really thank God for my life, peeps that know me tru n tru won't believe what I am today, no worries because I am as shocked as you are (in retrospect). I see myself as undeserving, unworthy...no be God, thank God for His grace (Romans 3:24), ever present for the likes of me. A sharp change started in me some time in the second half of last year, God knows it wasn't plan, that was just fulfillment of His purpose...you never know what hits you, you just slide straight into it.
I am the definition of change...absolute change, a deviation from the norm, renaissance, evolution. I am that which I am, who I am and what I have become. The sweetest thing about life is not realizing your faults, sins or wrongs...the sweetest bit is getting rid of them, moving on, getting better, 'imploding and exploding' as required.
So for the koko of this 'type up', patience...ummmm, how does an impatient person write on patience? I will rather write about a patient person (Aung San), an impatient me and the 'patiently unpatient' bus driver. Let's call it the tale of 3 musketeers or, better still; the good, the bad and the ugly (at least the bus was rickety so its okay to call the bus driver 'the ugly', better him than me).
Aung San is a hero to millions of people, a sacrificial lamp that has chosen the path of suffering for the masses, for a just cause, another Mandela (albeit this time from another continent). Aung San is the pro-democracy activists from Burma, A WOMAN! (of more than virtue), an enemy of the 'rogue generals' that have turned the country into a personal property, their very own toy. Indeed the heart of man is desperately wicked (Jer 17:9), I for one can't phantom it the evil we do. Aung San has spent more than 11 years of the last 19 under some form of detention (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/1950505.stm) yet she has remain true to the cause showing no signs of tiring. She had never knew suffering, she is of royal blood, daughter of the first Burmese ruler...she has just decided to take after our Lord Jesus (leadership by followership and sacrifice, see Mat 20:27-28).
I already told you about me so I will go on to the 'ugly bus driver'...the one I met/saw at a traffic light on Opebi some days ago around 10pm. We arrived about the same time at this particular traffic light about the same time, as it changed to 'STOP' (red) and we both did stop. We waited 1, 2,...5 minutes (yes, the danfo driver waited at that time of the day. I was impressed and was going to open my mouth to sing his praise for such 'strange behaviour' for a danfo warlord but... vroooom...he sped of with the lights still at 'STOP', 2 seconds after lights turned to yellow then green. I was flabbergasted, disappointed, pained...then, it hit me, the event sparked of something in my mind. I had just experienced physically how many of us miss so much in life after waiting so much!!!
So here I am, the impatient me...there is Aung San, the global hero of inestimable patience...then there is the danfo driver who was so patient he took of 2 seconds too early after a 5 mins wait. I leave your mind to draw the conclusions, I won't do it for you...I would, however, remind you of Eccl 7:8 and Gal 5:22.
Stay blessed...hustle and flow!
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