Another Monday, another hussle, another flow...read and learn
I am not very sure I slept well going into this Monday, I'm more convinced I spent most of the night between sleeping, listening to a message by Rev Sam, downloads and imaginations. Truth is I am the kind of person that finds it both difficult to sleep and difficult to get up, dividends of a degree in the UK I believe.
Back to the reason for this blog entry...I woke up, did my daily devotion and wished I could sleep back again. You wonder why? I will tell you...it was my daily devotion o, all it told me about was trusting God, sleeping and thinking about him. As if that wasn't enough, my daily bible reading too told me about perfect peace in trusting God. Brethren, don't doubt me when I tell you I felt lighter...and happier too by the way. I have decided to share the 'expo' with you all, read the following:
- Isiah 26:3, 4 & 12
- Isaiah 43:18-19
- Psalm 63:6
If you don't feel same (like moi I mean), don't read my blog again, in fact, leave me a message of dis-satisfaction (no 'waka' o, PG 1!). If you are indeed blessed, just thank God on my behalf, he sure does give perfect peace to those that trust him...always!
Quick jist...God's done it again o, just got good news today...something I have been craving for a while. Peeps, "it can only get better", someone needs to 'copycat' me and use that as a mini-motto. Trust me to share the details of my answered prayer later, just keep coming back!!!
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