Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A peep into the future named 2010...taking stock, a conclusion.

What does the year hold for us? Hmm, a huge question, one we all are positive about for more reasons than one. With our aspiration, desires, purpose, plans, family, relationships, careers, businesses, finances...jeez, no one needs a sooth sayer to say "THIS IS MY YEAR AGAIN", we all have that churning round our heads.

I was on Facebook a lot during the yuletide (who has a blackberry and wasn't???...lol), I indeed saw a zillion status updates about the new year. If wishes (resolutions and status updates) were horses, 'all man for ride o', problem is 'IT IS NOT!' No, it goes beyond typing, saying and sharing...a lot more is required, this I have gotten to realize over the years.

I had countlessly seen the dawn of a new year to be a reason (enough) to quit a habit, outgrow an addiction, or more commonly, draw a list of "New Year Resolutions". Truth is, at the end of the day (year), we are who we are, what changes is what we are. We are too busy following the trend, catching up on the norm, flung neck deep in the demands of the society, that we forget what purpose is.

The 'Adam' or 'Eve' of today is born into a world where everything is either fashion, fancy or a façade. It has become a life of evolving tradition, a drive towards compliance rather than true desire. Culture is constantly dragged in the mud, or worse still, thrown away, totally discarded off. Anyways, enough of the deviation and back to the original reason for this type-up, looking into the future (2010) via the past (2009).

I don't have any resolutions, those keep evolving, daily, as it is required (quite flexible). I, however, need and have targets. This is essential for purpose, for reflection, for development, for target setting, for the future. I need to know where I am at any point 'T', it is pertinent that I identify Gaps, fill them, reach (or better still, exceed) targets. I need to be able to measure, calibrate (within and without) and define my standing versus virtual or real destinations.
This year, I am grouping my targets under the following headings:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Financial
  3. Emotional
  4. Career and development
Everything about me lies somewhere within the above, it is from these I will draw my "Objectives, Goals, Strategies to achieve them and Measures to calibrate myself. It is simple yet almost complicated. I have to exceed last years targets on all of the above for a start, grow at a geometric progression in more ways than one and still maintain sanity in this 'abosultely insane' environment. But why not, why can't I, what is stopping me....nothing, only 'me' can do that and i have decided not to.

I pray I don't have to try twice (or more) before getting it right (like in 2009), I hope I get over the errors of the yesteryears without losing my identity. I am who I am afterall, only the what changes. I know I cannot do this alone, NO!!, the grace of God is sufficient for me (and you, if you so choose).

Remember, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done". Philippians 4:6 (NLT)


Friday, January 1, 2010

Closing the GAP...

Wow, not sure I want to write about this...it's so hard to confess one's opportunity areas, especially if you had 365 days to make up and you still missed out on some things. I guess this one is going to be a very brief one, maybe I'll just discuss/write about personal development, self realization and/or focused improvement...that might make me feel better, at least for now.

I hate to admit it but I try more than once on too many things, loose focus, go back to self defeating habits one too many a time. I am strong willed, have a very strong sense of self belief, but it doesn't work on the little issues of life where its  most needed. As the word of God (and Swtzy) says "...it is not by power nor by might...", another good one can be found in Ecclesiastes 9:11 which reminds us the strong don't always win.

I don't have to meditate all night to know where I failed in 2009, NO!, the focus is why and reasons obvious. Truth is as I type this, I am using the opportunity to reflect about those little challenges I had to try more than once on and why, a lot of things are running thorugh my mind, I will list them down for further reflection, a reality check now, and later, as well as (maybe) help someone somewhere like moi.

So, why did I try more than once so often? This could be attributed (but not limited) to the following:

  1. Too much trust in myself, over-confidence in some cases
  2. Wrong association
  3. Temporary (albeit costly) loss in focus on my spiritual life
  4. Emotional challenges
  5. External factors...the environmental push
  6. A weak will...yes, sometimes I forget to remember my strong personality
So, what are the potential solutions?
  1. Firstly and most importantly, trust God (not self): 
  2. Improved focus on spiritual development, listen to messages (spiritual and motivational), go to church, get and stay close to a spiritual mentor.
  3. Deal positively with boredom, do some positive time utilization (e.g., blogging, meditation, reading, e.t.c.)
  4. If it does not help you be better, get rid of it!
  5. Do not allow your environment and people to get at you, always draw positives out of situations (Nigeria is not the worst place to be, people are still making things happen here)
  6. Look into a mirror, stop blaming the next person (be it in your love life, work, family, e.t.c.)
  7. Focus on the big picture, don't go for the proverbial 'bowl of porridge', it is never worth it on the long run.
I am feeling better and stronger already, praise God, guess it's a great new year after all...

Remember WHO you are and WHAT you want to be, don't give up and do not let anything and/or anyone discourage you. IT IS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD!!!