Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Excuse the foundation of our existence
Life was never to beg indulgence
Love, true and pure is of life’s essence

As a stubborn yoke, you thrive
Never wishing I could drive
For union, I would dive
Like a bee in its hive
 "Today we long to own
Tomorrow ,a taste of disown"
Today we long to own
Tomorrow ,a taste of disown
In desolation, our mothers moan
For the pain of desertion that’s sown

Let my parents live the promise
And not as one mourning a demise
For all in the walk through life’s premise
They never thought to live amiss

I walk in the sands of time
Knowing I owe you, not a dime
Let me do life without a crime
And be at peace even in my prime

Go back to sleep, o’ you wreck called divorce
For you sulk as a curse
Love was never meant to be toppled by force
Yet good life remains but a choice

I miss your care, ‘o  father
How could you leave my sweet mother
Bet you know you made a blunder
For divorce, loving has become a tall order

The griming menace called divorce
Plaguing our homes without remorse
I captain a force mounting a horse
And declare that your end is come.

I say, ‘No to Divorce”.

Dedicated to all homes and families battling separation and the hardships fraught with divorce.

olayinka fadipe, 2011