'...The most precious treasure a man can find.' Proverbs 31:10 |
Erma Bombeck wrote: 'When God was creating mothers, on His sixth day of overtime the angel said, "You're fiddling around a lot on this one." God replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? She's to have 18,000 replaceable moving parts, run on black coffee and leftovers, have a kiss that cures anything from broken legs to disappointed love affairs...and six pairs of hands!" "Six pairs of hands? No way!" the angel said. God said, "And the challenging bit is the three pairs of eyes mothers need. One pair that sees through doors, another in back of her head that sees what she shouldn't be able to see, another in front for looking at a child who's goofed and saying, 'I understand, and I love you', without speaking." The angel said, "Lord, take a break. Tomorrow..." "I can't," God said. "I'm close to creating something so like Myself. Already she can heal herself when she's sick, feed a family on a pound of minced beef, and get a nine year-old to stand under a shower!" Touching her, the angel said, "She's too soft!" "But so tough!" God replied. "You can't imagine what this mother can endure." "Can it think?" asked the angel. "Not only think, it reasons and compromises," God said. Running his finger across the mother's cheek, the angel said, "There's a leak!" "It's not a leak," God said. "It's a tear." "What's it for?" asked the angel. "It's for joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, loneliness and pride." The angel declared, "Lord, You're a Genius!".' Just a columnist's fictional story, but well worth pondering. Thanks, Mum! |
...that I may know him more...that I may fulfill that 1 purpose...that I may bless a generation!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Thanks Mum
Friday, March 21, 2014
This touched me - UCB Word for Today
I am sharing the belle, I get messages daily from UCB, life changing I must say. We can all get there, we need to make the choice to today! #Godhelpus Thinking and Acting Like Jesus (1) |
'Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.' Philippians 2:5 |
Max Lucado writes: 'What would your life be like, even for one day, if you were to think and act like Jesus? If His priorities governed your actions, His passions drove your decisions and His love directed your behaviour? What would you be like? Would people notice the change in you? Would your family see something new? Would your co-workers sense a difference? What about the less fortunate; would you treat them like you normally do? How about your friends; would they detect more joy? How about your enemies; would they receive more grace and mercy? And how would it affect you personally? Your mood swings? Your temper? Would you sleep better? Would you view death differently? Would you pay your taxes differently? Any chance you'd need fewer aspirins or sedatives? How about your reaction to traffic delays? Or when the deal falls through, or people don't do what you want them to? Would you still dread what you are dreading? Better yet, would you still do what you are doing? Pause and think about your schedule, obligations, engagements, outings and appointments. With Jesus fully in control, would these all change? Keep working on this for a moment. Adjust the lens of your imagination until you have a clear picture of Jesus leading your life, then snap the shutter and frame the image. What you see is what God wants! "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." If you committed to living this way for a lifetime, or a year, or even a month, you would be a transformed person. So just try it for one day: today!' |
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
God is always GOOD.
Liked this and decided to share - Enjoy!
A King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him; My king, do not be discouraged because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes.
One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king. The servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger.
Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; if God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger. The servant replied, 'despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never wrong'.
Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While being taken to prison, he told the king again, God is Good & Perfect.
Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. On the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place, he was released because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the gods.
On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said; My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go. But I have a question; If God is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison? His servant replied; My king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger.
Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose.
God knows why you are reading this message today, please bless someone with it by sharing it. God is good and perfect!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
A tale of {some} men and love
There was a group of men gathered at a church conference on "how to live in a loving relationship with your wife".
The men were asked, "How many of you love your wife?"
All the men raised their hands. Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your wife you loved her?"
Some men answered today, some yesterday, majority didn't remember. The men were then told to take their cellphones and send the following text to their respective wife; "I love you, sweetheart..."
Then the men were told to exchange phones so one can read the other wife's reply to the love message. Here are some of the replies:
1. Have you impregnated someone again?
2. That was then, not now!
3. You wan borrow money abi?
4. What did you do again I won't forgive you this time?
5. Meaning??
6. Is that a new song??
7. Am I dreaming?
8. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today!!!
9. You dis man! I asked you to stop drinking!!!
10. Abeg na who be this?!
This is hoping we are better off.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Life is worth living now - a short piece by a friend
When we die, our money remains in the bank... Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend. In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent.
One business tycoon in China passed away. His widow, left with $1.9 billion in the bank, married his chauffeur. His chauffeur said:- "All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... it is only now, that I realise that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!" The cruel reality is: It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who. In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless! For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed. If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied. How about your wardrobes of clothes? 70% of them are not worn! A whole life of work and earning... 70% is for other people to spend. So, we must protect and make full use of our 30%. Go for medical check-ups even if not sick. Drink more water, even if not thirsty. Learn to let go, even if faced with grave problems. Endeavour to give in, even if you are in the right. Remain humble and not too greedy, even if you are very rich and powerful. Learn to be contented, even if you are not rich. Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy. LIFE IS SHORT...LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!
Anonymous 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
My Fatherhood Experience Part 1
My fatherhood experience has been a sweet one, well, discounting the broken sleeps and sleepless nights that is. My daughter, Morifeoluwa, would have been six months on the 29th of February, problem is it isn't a leap year so no 29th. Anyway, no celebrations for half year so we wait for the first birthday. By the way, with babies you count and celebrate every day, then week, then month before the first birthday.

I love 'Mo, I love to play with her, eat with her and laugh with her during the day. The thing with babies is that they want to eat, play and cry as they want, am or pm, any hour. The challenge is I need to sleep to be productive at work, I need to sleep and not wake up for 6-8 hours at night. Since 'Mo came into the picture, I have struggled.
My nights are now a fit of starts and stops, sleep and wake...more like a 2nd hand 'keke napep' headed to Abuja from Lagos. The sudden screams jerk me from sleep, my wife simply turns and looks at me with an expression that spells 'go get her' in capital letters.
Do I miss my pre-fatherhood days, NO, those were boring. Truth is I rather miss my pre-fatherhood nights. I, however, find consolation in Morifeoluwa's smile, her laughter and the way she 'vibrates' when she sees me come in through the door in the evenings after work. I find satisfaction in the fact that I have in my family Mummy Mo' and Baby 'Mo.
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