Friday, June 22, 2012

Another random one... Thought Provoking!

There are no absolute finish lines for everyone in d race of life. Our tracks are different,our lanes are different & our durations are different. The only thing we have in common is the same umpire. For instance, one person graduates at age 20 & struggles for another five years to get a job, another might graduate at age 25 & gets a job immediately. One can marry a virgin & wait for d next decade to have d blessings of children, another lady probably after having series of abortions in her past, becomes a mum almost immediately after marriage. A fellow becomes an MD at 38 and dies at 56, another becomes MD at 55 and lives to 90 wat a life. Life is full of twists, turns, ups & downs and many more surprises & disappointments. Life offers each one of us different opportunities. It is up to each of us to patiently prepare,wait, recognize & utilize every opportunity. We learn on the way. No one knows it all or has it better. There is a reason why we all don't fall at the same time. Its so dat when one is down, weak & discouraged, the other who is strong, can encourage and uplift him. God never promised that the road would be easy but He promised never to leave nor forsake us. There's no competition in life so let's learn to go easy on ourselves & trust that God is working it all 4 good (even if it doesn't make sense now). I know dat there is a time for everything but most importantly that "it will come to pass". Whatever trials, challenges or down time, this too shall pass & in due course, you'll be up & strong again to lift up those who maybe down around you".Lots of things in life are by choice & not by force.

Let God take the wheels in our Lives!

One of those BB broadcast :) , June 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Random but true...

I recall as a kid that a man in my village became unpopular for engaging in money rituals just to buy the 80's edition of the Honda Prelude. You wouldn't buy that car for 50k today.

I remember as a kid, my whole street converged to watch a truck deliver a very large satellite dish to my neighbor's house. Today a dish one tenth that size delivers 5 times the value and is in almost every student hostel room.

What of the Volkswagen Santana, Mercedes Benz V booth, all overtaken by Camry and Honda discussions? .... Vanity.

Old versus new
A friend declared drinks for the boys because he just launched the Nokia Communicator for over a hundred grand in 2002. Today that phone would embarrass the owner and is a joke compared to the low cost and everyday phone.

People still make the most amazing sacrifices over the vainest of things, make enemies over worthless material things. What can I say? Look back at that one thing you want to kill or die for today and see what becomes of it tomorrow.

Slow down with the sense of attachment and blind pursuit of things, for today's gold is tomorrow's copper...

- Anonymous, April 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Point me a Nigerian Politician
And I shall show you a shallow-minded,
Proud, and
Self-conceited human;
One who waters his garden with perfidy,
Stocks his barn with prejudice,
Has self-satisfaction for breakfast;
Avarice for lunch,
And vanity for dinner.
One who sleeps on the bed of self-righteousness,
And dances to sleazy tunes of failures.

Show me a Nigerian Politician,
And I will point you a piteous Pharisee,
A wonderfully and deceitfully friendly alien,
Spoilt-rotten beyond redemption,
But hides under the cloak of righteousness.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing,
A disgrace in its entirety
Holding out the gong of integrity,
With a pizza slice of corruption lining his pocket seams.

Point me a Nigerian Politician.
For till present I have looked for but never found;
That Nigerian politician,
Who takes a daily meal of honesty
Dines with forks and knives of integrity
And sleeps comfortably on the bed of people-first;
If you have seen one please let me know
And I shall doff my heart in honest obeisance for him.

O’seunfunmi, April 2012