Point me a Nigerian Politician
And I shall show you a shallow-minded,
Proud, and
Self-conceited human;
One who waters his garden with perfidy,
Stocks his barn with prejudice,
Has self-satisfaction for breakfast;
Avarice for lunch,
And vanity for dinner.
One who sleeps on the bed of self-righteousness,
And dances to sleazy tunes of failures.
Demo'crazy' |
Show me a Nigerian Politician,
And I will point you a piteous Pharisee,
A wonderfully and deceitfully friendly alien,
Spoilt-rotten beyond redemption,
But hides under the cloak of righteousness.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing,
A disgrace in its entirety
Holding out the gong of integrity,
With a pizza slice of corruption lining his pocket
Point me a Nigerian Politician.
For till present I have looked for but never found;
That Nigerian politician,
Who takes a daily meal of honesty
Dines with forks and knives of integrity
And sleeps comfortably on the bed of people-first;
If you have seen one please let me know
And I shall doff my heart in honest obeisance for him.
O’seunfunmi, April 2012